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Today's Tasty Tummy Fillers:
- 8 oz. decaf green tea
- 1 tsp. hemp oil
- 8 oz. purified water, lemon, maple syrup, cayenne
- 14 oz. carrot, apple, cucumber, broccoli, Chlorella juice
- 32 oz. yellow summer squash, zucchini, cucumber, apple, celery juice
- 16 oz. grape, iceberg, Alive! shake mix juice
- 20 oz. apple, spinach, alfalfa sprout juice
- 32 oz. purified water, MSM
- 24 oz. cucumber, carrot, celery juice
- 1 tbsp. bee pollen
- 12 oz. grapefruit juice
- 1.5 gallons purified water
Juice Total: 118 oz.
Goal: 128 oz.
I'm finally getting used to all of this juicing and the unlimited options of combining things tastefully. Although, I would like to find a few new delicious veggie juice recipes. I have no desire whatsoever to consume anything other than homemade juice, herbal tea, and water.

- 32 oz. purified water, MSM
- 8 oz. rose hips fruit tea
- 10 oz. coconut, Spiru-tein high protein energy meal powder
- 32 oz. carrot, orange, parsley, Chlorella
- 32 oz. cucumber, celery, beet, kale
- 8 oz. rosemary water
- 16 oz. blueberry, apple, spinach, Alive! shake mix
- 16 oz. celery, apple, burdock root
- 16 oz. carrot, celery, parsley
- 10 oz. grapefruit
- 2 gallons purified water
- 1 tbsp bee pollen
Juice total: 132 oz.
Today started out very nice: yoga, hydrotherapy, and a lot of appreciation for existence. I started getting a bit irritated during my juicing session, but that passed quickly. I think my juicer just knows how to push my buttons, although I always push its buttons so I suppose I deserve it. No matter, a juicer is better than a blender and strainer.
I've decided to go the whole 9 yards and press on until it's been 92 days. I was a bit apprehensive initially due to the weight loss and the lengthy juicing time, but fuck it. I've treated my body like a disposable napkin my entire life, I think it deserves this. Besides, all of my food cravings are completely gone. I have no desire to consume solids; even a smoothie seems like it would be a bit much. Quite frankly, it's almost a stretch of the stomach just to take in my gallon of juice and gallon or 2 of water a day. It's incredible how possible it is to completely rewire the brain :)
- 20 oz. carrot, celery, kale, parsley *
- 24 oz. carrot, celery, asparagus, sprouts, beet greens, apple, Chlorella *
- 16 oz. raspberry, apple, Alive! shake mix
- 14 oz. cucumber, beet, cilantro
- 14 oz. apple, ginger
- 8 oz. peppermint tea
- 16 oz. cranberry apple tea
- 10 oz. Naked berry blast juice smoothie
- 32 oz. water, lemon, MSM
- 20 oz. apricot, cranberry, raspberry, Alive! shake mix
- 1.5 gallons purified water
- 1 tbsp bee pollen
Juice Total: 118 oz.
Goal: 128 oz.
Didn't quite make it today. I experienced some detox symptoms (headache, lethargy, mild nausea) and wasn't up to pulling out my juicer again. Unfortunately my juicer, Jack LaLanne's Power Juicer, isn't exactly top of the line, to say the least. After I make about half a gallon of juice, sediment begins coming out with my juices. I have to either stop to clean out my juicer, or stop to clean out my juicer. There's no way around it and I'll be dammed if I have to start straining my juice when it's my juicer's responsibility, although I just may do so one of these days.
I also still seem to be making a few less than palatable juices. I've decided to make each thing I found terrible with one of these * Hopefully I'll be able to diminish them over time. The bitch is that this morning my carrot, celery, kale, parsley combo was quite satisfying, but I went for a second helping this evening and simply couldn't do it.
- 1.5 gallons purified water
- 32 oz. purified water, lemon, MSM
- 24 oz. municipal water, apricot, blueberry, strawberry, romaine, all natural unsweetened cocoa, Alive! Whole Food Energizer
- 20 oz. watermelon, cranberry, Chlorella
- 16 oz. celery, apple, burdock root
- 32 oz. carrot, cucumber, parsley
- 16 oz. grape, peach, iceberg, Alive! Whole Food Energizer
- 20 oz. celery, apple, alfalfa sprout, collard green, ginger, Chlorella
- cucumber, celery, cilantro
- 12 oz. sparkling apple cider
- a handful of fresh-picked raspberries for jaw exercise
- 1 tbsp bee pollen
Juice Total: 128 oz. fuck yeah.
A full gallon has been achieved. I just hope I can start doing this everyday. Today instead of preparing all of my juice in one morning session, I made half of my juice this morning and the other half this afternoon. I enjoyed that much better than a solid session.
My parents took me to a berry orchard today. It was a grand little outing. They stopped for some food and I milled around outside with a big bottle of juice, then joined them. We also stopped at a quaint, little store that sold souvenirs, pastries, honey, and all kinds of other pleasant smells. I decided I deserved an apple cider.
- 16 oz. peach, blueberry, cranberry, Alive! Whole Food Energizer
- 8 oz. spinach, romaine, carrot
- 36 oz. celery, cucumber, asparagus, beet, Chlorella
- 20 oz. celery, apple, parsley
- 16 oz. coconut, Alive! Whole Food Energizer
- 10 oz. rosemary tea
- 1.5 gallons purified water
- 1 tbsp bee pollen
Total: 96 oz.
Goal: 128 oz.
(I don't count tea as a daily juice requirement, therefore it's not going to be included in my total)
I'm growing more accustom to my juicing routine and combinations, but I'm still having trouble getting enough juice everyday. I suppose I get sick of juicing after awhile and I just settle for less. Quite frankly, if I can't prepare and consume at least a gallon everyday I may have to cease my feast because my weight is dropping so much. I already have decided this juice feast is only going to be a period of 30 days because this is my first feast, and because my weight is a bit of an issue. Either way, I've never felt so clean in my entire life.
Today's lovely intake:
- 16 oz. apple juice, strawberry, blueberry, banana, Hemp Protein Powder smoothie
- 30 oz. celery, apple, burdock root
- 24 oz. carrot, apple, kale
- 16 oz. cantaloupe
- 32 oz. celery, cucumber, romaine, alfalfa sprouts, ginger, Chlorella
- 16 oz. municipal water, cranberry, pineapple, Alive! Whole Food Energizer Ultra-Shake smoothie
- 32 oz. water, lemon, MSM
- 1 tbsp bee pollen
- 1 gallon purified water
123 lbs.
Today's Consumption:- 32 oz. banana, blueberry, grape, cherry, flax meal, wheat germ, wheat bran, seaweed smoothie
- 24 oz. carrot, potato, cucumber, radish juice
- 32 oz. asparagus, carrot, celery, iceberg, tomato juice
- 32 oz. spinach, celery, romaine, cucumber, apple juice
- 30 oz. cantaloupe, iceberg, cherry juice
- 1 tbsp bee pollen
- 1 gallon purified water

- 32 oz. carrot, cucumber, parsley, alfalfa sprouts
- 36 oz. celery, romaine, apple
- 32 oz. tomato, celery, spinach, collard green
- 32 oz. romaine, nectarine, cherry, plum, apricot
- 10 oz. carrot, celery, parsley
- 1 handful raw mixed nuts
- 1 tbsp bee pollen
- 1.5 gallons purified water
Today's juices are excellent and ample. I'm very tranquil and enlightened. My energy is centered again.
I couldn't avoid thinking about food so I ended up having some nuts for the chewing, fats, and protein; that's enough to convince me it was a good idea. I couldn't quite finish so I put the rest in a shot glass and ate them throughout the evening.
- 32 oz. celery/spinach/tomato/mint/cilantro
- 32 oz. peach/nectarine/orange/strawberry/banana
- 4 oz. apple/asparagus/beet/lettuce/parsley/collard green/mustard green/aloe vera/garlic
- 10 oz. water/lime juice
- 1/2 tbsp bee pollen
- 2 gallons purified water
Well, I've done it again. I made the most ridiculously disgusting juice I could and I don't know why. I decided to settle with a mere half gallon of juice today. I really must remember that my green juices won't taste bad as long as I stop throwing too much in them.
I'm very sleepy today, but the smaller quantity of juice has much to do with it.
with Gratitude for All that Is.. Today's Intake:- 32 oz. carrot/cucumber/beet/asparagus juice
- 4 oz. french bean/brussel sprout/celery juice
- 56 oz. celery/spinach/apple/collard green/mustard green/parsley/cilantro/alfalfa sprout juice
- 40 oz. pineapple/blueberry/strawberry juice
- 1 gallon purified water
- 1/4 tbsp bee pollen
"Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food. But to eat when you are sick, is to feed your sickness." Hippocrates, Greek physician (460 BC - 377 BC)
The 4 oz. beverage I consumed made me gag more than I've ever thought possible, so I rewarded myself for drinking it by making a larger quantity of fruit juice than usual. I really should find better means to get my greens.
This all seems too easy to be as incredible as it is. I have more energy, as needed, than I've ever imagined. It only comes when I need it, then towards the end of the evening I begin the notice mild lethargy building. These two past nights I've managed to fall asleep almost immediately.

Officially Day 1 of my juice feast
Daily Supplements:
- Vitaplen
- Chlorella
- Vitamin E
- Maca root
- Super Enzymall
- Vitamin C
- Bee pollen granules
- Jarro-Dophilus EPS
Today's consumption:
- 24 oz. carrot/cucumber juice with Amazing Meal powder
- 1/2 gallon celery/spinach/cilantro/parsley/cucumber/turnip greens/apple/ginger juice
- 32 oz. carrot/asparagus juice
- 16 oz. nectarine/grape juice
Although my intentions were to begin on the 20th, I was too fucking psyched about it to wait. I picked up the supplements I've decided to use and realized there was nothing else to wait for. Now I am ready to allow my body to officially begin its detoxification.
After making it half way through the day doing quite well with abstaining from anything aside from what I've prepared, it appears as if I haven't consumed much juice at all. I don't think I've even consumed half of my selection yet.

- 20 oz. blackberry/raspberry/banana/flax meal/seaweed/turnip green smoothie
- 8 oz. decaffeinated green tea
- 16 oz. coconut/blueberry/nut smoothie
- handful raw mixed nuts
- 2 oz. yucca root w/ garlic and sea salt
- 2 bee pollen granules
- 16 oz. celery/spinach/tomato/asparagus juice
- 16 oz. carrot/cucumber juice
- 16 oz. water/lime juice
- 1 young coconut
I've taken chewing to another level; I've been chewing my smoothies. The act of chewing goes a bit further than breaking down the cell walls of food to achieve better digestion and nutrient absorption. Chewing also produces more saliva and mixes with the substance in your mouth. Digestion starts in the mouth. Guzzling a beverage may cause a stomach ache because by not allowing saliva in the mix it's much harder on your digestion system. Why waste the body's energy on something so preventable?Mostly liquids today, as it appears. I've been convincing myself that juice is just much more appealing than anything solid, which isn't hard because lately when I eat solids I experience slight discomfort; Maybe I eat more than I need, or maybe my digestive track is already dozing off a bit. Whatever it is, it's never come at a better time.

126 lbs
- 32 oz. celery/tomato/spinach juice
- 8 oz. apple/grape/peach juice
- 1 bee pollen granule, testing for allergy
- 1 pear
- salad consisting of: mustard greens, cucumber, alfalfa sprouts, avocado
- 3 0z. peach cobbler (ground nuts, cinnamon, olive oil, peach)
- 8 oz. soy milk
- 4 oz. apple/grape/peach sorbet
- salad consisting of: iceberg, cucumber, tomato, honey, mustard, vinegar, olive oil
- 10 oz. Naked berry blast smoothie
- 8 oz. nectarine/grape juice
- cinnamon raisin Raw Organic Food Bar
I've been contemplating my intake and suspect I've been consuming too many fruits and too little greens. Considering my food history throughout my life, I believe I should keep a low sugar intake. Since I aspire to begin my feast in 5 days I better be used to consuming 2 lbs. of greens daily without cringing.
Today's consumption:- salad consisting of: iceberg, spinach, cauliflower, radish, raw wheat germ, unprocessed wheat bran, hemp seed nuts, olive oil
- 8 oz. yarrow herb tea
- 4 oz. collard green/asparagus juice
- 32 oz. carrot/celery juice
- 3 in. yucca root, cooked briefly to eradicate presence of cyanogenic glycosides, raw garlic, olive oil
- 3/4 cup blueberries, 1/4 cup raw cashews, 3 tsp. flax seed powder
- 3 oz. peanut butter/honey
- 1 tomato, pinch of sea salt& parsley
- 8 oz. rose hips fruit tea
Not many cravings setting in. I've reached a point where the moment I crave anything other than what I have decided to live off of, I immediately replace the thought with a positive point supporting my decision. I suppose this feels similar to when I transitioned to vegan, except much more relaxing. My only concern is my love for peanut butter and honey. It just may be my last habit I need to break before my feast.
Music seems to keep my mind clear of urges.

Day 1 rawDaily Supplements:- Vitaplen Complete
- Jarro-Dophilus EPS
- Vegan Hair, Nails and Skin
- Maca Root 1000 mg
- Vitamin E 400 iu
- Turmeric 450 mg
- L-Lysine 500 mg
- Vitamin C 1500 mg
Today's consumption:- 5 oz. cherry/apple juice
- 1 apricot
- 1/4 cantaloupe
- 3 tbsp. raw cashews
- 1 tbsp. raw hemp seed nuts
- finely chopped salad consisting of: iceberg, spinach, radish, mushroom, tomato, mint, cauliflower, black olives, unprocessed wheat bran, raw wheat germ, raw cashews, garlic, ginger root, extra virgin olive oil
- 16 oz. apricot/grape/apple juice
- 8 oz. euphrasia officinalis tea
- 2 brussel sprouts
- 1 tbsp. flax seed powder
- 1 orange
- Homemade dessert: 1/4 cup ground rolled oats, 1/4 cup ground walnuts, 2 tsp. unsweetened cocoa, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 2 tbsp. honey
- 4 tbsp. peanut butter/honey
- 4 oz. soy milk
- 4 oz. almond milk
- 3 oz. banana/plum/apple puree
- 6 oz. nepeta cataria tea
After having practiced a vegan diet for 2 3/4 months along with avoiding refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, bleached or enriched flour, caffeine, and simply anything unnecessary, I think I am ready to move onto raw foods until my juice feast.Today I have experienced much energy and motivation. During my yoga session I felt blissfully connected to the moment and psyched for my upcoming spiritual journey through my body and mind. My nightly cravings still resurrect my body to indulge in something to eat before I can drift off into unconsciousness. Along with that, I still have great trouble falling asleep naturally after a life of using things to knock me out. Today is also the beginning of a conscious effort to chew thoroughly, to the level of liquid. I stumbled upon a web page regarding human digestion and I absorbed it like a sponge. In doing so I find myself feeling quite satisfied eating less than usual.
Since the beginning of my health conscious lifestyle, I have undergone many urges to go back to my old ways, but I've developed more tactics of deterring my mind from the enjoyment I derived at the time; I now consider everything mindfully. The brain truly is amazing. I am doing this to establish my health and reach my highest potential as a human being.